Alternative Title:TSET-UTC 212 Final report : Visual Navigation with Android Tablets
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TRIS Online Accession Number:01677453
Edition:Final Report
Abstract:The goal of this project is to develop a visual navigation system for use in vehicles using Android tablets. Current vehicle navigation techniques rely solely on static road maps and noisy Global Positioning System (GPS) data. This approach is prone to errors where GPS information is not available, such as urban canyons. The author proposes to use a windshield mounted, Android tablet as a sensor platform for augmenting in-vehicle navigation. The author begins by detecting and tracking salient features over time from the color camera images. Combined with the accelerometer and gyroscope data, one can distinguish between static (background) and dynamic (foreground) features in the images. The static features are then used to compute the visual odometry (motion of the vehicle) and produce a 3D model of the environment. This information can then be used to augment the navigation system with local, real-time information and overlays. Ultimately the author aims to create an Android application that helps to make drivers more aware of their environments and promotes safety and focus while driving. To this end, the author is developing algorithms to carry out key operations which include: detecting the road and lane markings, identifying other vehicles on the road, recognizing pedestrians and cyclists, and identifying important road features such as stop lights, stop signs, and speed limits. Using moving object detection and visual odometry, the application will compute and monitor distances to other vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists nearby. This information can in turn be used to alert the driver of a potentially hazardous situation such as an impending collision. Additionally, lane detection and vehicle egomotion estimation will be used to determine and issue warnings when unintended lane departure (drifting) occurs.
Content Notes:TSET-UTC 212 Final report
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