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Abstract:State and local agencies planning to procure Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) projects with Federal highway funds face unique challenges. They must choose appropriate contracting techniques that optimize project quality and cost while meeting applicable Federal, State, and local procurement regulations. These challenges are especially paramount when procuring ITS projects that involve advanced technologies and require specialized skills and knowledge. Even deployments of simple ITS system expansions have become complex undertakings to ensure consistency with the National ITS Architecture and evolving standards. Typically, the requirements of these ITS projects cannot easily be specified at the outset of the project -- resulting in the difficulty of establishing realistic low bids and ensuring end-product quality. This report has been developed to assist State and local transportation agencies in understanding contracting techniques available for design and construction of ITS projects. It will inform State and local transportation agencies about contracting practices that are permissible within the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Federal-aid regulations. Specifically, the report highlights procurement issues associated with deploying ITS projects; identifies the Federal-aid procurement regulations applicable to ITS projects; describes possible Federal-aid contracting options and associated benefits, drawbacks, and FHWA approval requirements; and presents examples and lessons learned associated with each contracting option. Additionally, the report is intended to serve as a guide -- referencing various sources of information pertaining to procurement issues.
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