TravTek Evaluation Yoked Driver Study
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Edition:Final Report November 1991-June 1994
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Abstract:The Yoked Driver Study was 1 of 12 investigations conducted as part of the TravTek operational test of an advanced traveler information and traffic management system (ATIS/ATMS). The TravTek system consisted of the Orlando Traffic Management Center (TMC), the TravTek vehicles, and the TravTek Information and Services Center. The TMC broadcast updated travel times for TravTek traffic links to the TravTek vehicles once each minute. The TravTek vehicles broadcast their completed link travel times back to the TMC for transmission to the other TravTek vehicles. The vehicles were equipped to provide route planning, route guidance, and a data base of local services and attractions. The primary purpose of the Yoked Driver Study was to evaluate the value of real-time traffic information, route planning, and route guidance to (a) trip efficiency, (b) navigation performance, and (c) driving performance. The study also examined willingness-to-pay, user perceptions of the system, and user recommendations. A controlled experiment was conducted in which sets of three TravTek vehicles traveled between selected origins and destinations during peak afternoon traffic. Each of the three vehicles was configured differently. One provided route planning and route guidance that utilized real-time traffic information. A second provided the same route planning and route guidance except that it did not utilize real-time traffic information. The third required that drivers plan the trip and navigate "as they normally would". A total of 222 volunteer drivers participated in the experiment. TravTek benefits to individual drivers included a travel time saving and a reduction in perceived workload. Real-time traffic information produced a network trip efficiency by routing many of TravTek vehicles that received it onto arterials. Although vehicles that received real-time information tended to travel farther, and to travel farther on lower class roadways, they did not have significantly longer travel times. User perception and performance data suggest that the system was easy to learn and easy to use. Participants in this study indicated that they would be willing to pay about $1000 for a system such as the one they drove.
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