Connected vehicle impacts on transportation planning technical memorandum #2 : connected vehicle planning processes and products and stakeholder roles and responsibilities.
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Connected vehicle impacts on transportation planning technical memorandum #2 : connected vehicle planning processes and products and stakeholder roles and responsibilities.

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  • Abstract:
    The objective of this project, “Connected Vehicle Impacts on Transportation Planning,” is to comprehensively assess how connected vehicles should

    be considered across the range of transportation planning processes and products developed by States, Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO),

    and local agencies throughout the country. While the focus is primarily on Connected Vehicle (CV) technology Automated Vehicle technology is

    considered as well. As a result, the subject of this effort is referred to as Connected/Automated Vehicle (C/AV) technology. The overall research

    objective of Task 2 are to develop a typology matrix that cross-references transportation planning processes and products to facilitate the

    advancement and deployment of C/AV. Transportation planning involves a wide range of projects, activities, tools, products, stakeholders, and

    timeframes. In addition, these elements vary depending on the size, location, and political context in which they exist. These factors generate a high

    level of complexity in identifying and evaluating C/AV impacts. The purpose of this Technical Memorandum is to help document and organize these

    factors to provide a framework for both the typology to be developed in Task 2 and the overall project. This Technical Memorandum further

    documents the range of planning activities and products that may be impacted by CV technology using the results of both a C/AV literature review and

    stakeholder feedback to catalog the impacts of C/AV technology on different transportation planning activities.

    The typology matrix covers a range of other planning agency characteristics and activities including type of agency, goal area, category of agency

    product, type of project, tools and processes required (data processing, modeling, etc.) and new or improved skills required. The report identifies how

    C/AV-related planning processes and products may be accommodated in a coordinated fashion in the next few years as agencies begin to incorporate

    these technologies into their planning and programming functions and identifies how C/AV technology can support and enhance performance-based

    planning and programming and reporting requirements imposed by the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21). The report also

    identifies elements and activities required to support the integration of C/AV technology into planning, including how C/AV should be considered, roles

    and responsibilities of stakeholders, both existing and new, and existing DOT planning guidance and tools that can provide support

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