Connected Vehicle Impacts on Transportation Planning-Primer and Final Report
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Abstract:The principal objective of this project, “Connected Vehicle Impacts on Transportation Planning,” is to comprehensively assess how connected vehicles should be considered across the range of transportation planning processes and products developed by States, metropolitan planning organizations (MPO), and local agencies throughout the country. This report summarizes the results of the findings and recommendations of the study and provides planners with a primer on how to begin to address the impacts of connected and automated vehicle (C/AV) technology in their work. The first section includes a summary description of the technologies and potential impacts. The following section includes a summary of potential impacts on planning goals, objectives, products, tools, and data. Impacts are identified as short-term (0 to 5 years), medium-term (5 to 20 years), or long-term (over 20 years). Impacts are then further examined in a series of case studies designed to help planners incorporate these technologies into their planning products. Eleven case studies are presented, each of which focuses on a planning activity. Impacts and suggested strategies are provided at each key step of product development along with sample applications. Case studies included are: 1) Transportation Improvement Program; 2) Statewide Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Architecture; 3) Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan; 4) Long-Range Metropolitan Transportation Plan; 5) Transportation Asset Management Plan; 6) Strategic Highway Safety Plan; 7) State Implementation Plan; 8) Transit Development Plan; 9) Public Involvement Plan; 10) Freight Plan; and 11) Financial Plan. The following section summarizes research and recommendations on the tools, techniques, and data required to evaluate C/AV-related investments. Gaps in current models and data are identified and a proposed research program for addressing these needs is presented. The final chapter includes a summary of current C/AV training programs and documents the stakeholder outreach that was used to help identify training and skill needs related to planning. Recommendations are included for new and enhanced training programs oriented toward planners, including content, audiences, and delivery methods.
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