Long-Term Monitoring of Cased Pipelines Using Long Range Guided-Wave Technique
Alternative Title:Long Term Monitoring of Cased Pipelines Using Long-Range Guided-Wave Technique
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TRIS Online Accession Number:01643094
Edition:Final Report
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Abstract:Integrity management programs for gas transmission pipelines are required by The Office of Pipeline Safety (OPS)/DOT. Direct Assessment (DA) and 'Other Technologies' have become the focus of assessment options for pipeline integrity on cased crossings. Long Range Guided Ultrasonics (LRUT) may qualify as an 'Other Technology'. The Magnetostrictive Sensor (MsS) technology is a unique type of remote inspection tool in the field of LRUT also known as guided wave. The MsS technology from Southwest Research Institute(R) (SwRI) incorporates cobalt alloy strips that are semi-permanently attached to a pipe and wrapped with a simple coil of wire. MsS uses materials and an approach that is cost effective to install on a permanent basis. This can allow defect monitoring over time after an initial excavation has been restored. There has also been reason to believe that through the use of software, MsS could indicate defect type, size, and shape. The objective of this project was to develop the defect characterization & sizing capabilities, develop the long-term structural health monitoring (SHM) of cased sections, and evaluate field performance. The project work was focused on defects whose circumferential cross-sectional area (CSA) is up to 10% of the total pipe wall cross-section for which the application of SHM would be valuable. In addition to MsS technology, these project results are highly related to the challenges in using LRUT. They strictly highlight the effect that coatings and temperature have on the effectiveness of LRUT and should be used in the context of the Guided Wave UT Checklist guidance by DOT/OPS.
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