Traditional neighborhood development (TND) guidelines
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ROSA P serves as an archival repository of USDOT-published products including scientific findings, journal articles, guidelines, recommendations, or other information authored or co-authored by USDOT or funded partners. As a repository, ROSA P retains documents in their original published format to ensure public access to scientific information.

Traditional neighborhood development (TND) guidelines



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  • Abstract:
    A Traditional Neighborhood Development (TND) is a human scale, walkable community with moderate to high residential densities and a mixed use core. Compared with conventional suburban developments, TNDs have a higher potential to increase modal split by encouraging and accommodating alternate transportation modes. TNDs also have a higher potential for capturing internal trips, thus reducing vehicle miles traveled. The purpose of these criteria is to provide a guide to a District Engineer when determining whether a proposed development may thus be designed according to TND guidelines rather than conventional subdivision street standards. Failing to meet all of the criteria does not imply that a proposed development is not a TND. However, proposals not fitting the ?classic? criteria may require additional review as is described in the ?Review and Approval Process? section. Where TND specific design guidelines have been established, these shall supercede any related design standards contained in ?Subdivision Roads Minimum Construction Standards,? as well as standards and guidelines for utilities, landscaping and similar considerations. In the absence of TND specific design guidelines, the existing standards, criteria, guidelines or policies shall be applied. 6 Figures, 24p.
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