Improved Mechanisms for Stakeholder Environmental Education. Final Report 523
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TRIS Online Accession Number:00929153
Edition:Final October 2000-October 2001
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Abstract:This report discusses the development of a video tape and companion brochure design for use in public meetings. Both the tape and brochure are intended to explain the ADOT noise policy and related issues important to highway projects in Arizona. The brochure is intended for distribution at public meetings and forums where citizens and other officials need general information on noise impacts from ADOT highway projects. It is easy to understand and provides basic background information on noise issues, including basic scientific principles, Federal mandates, and ADOT policies. The primary goal of the brochure is to supplement the information provided in the companion video tape, and to give a permanence to the key elements conveyed in the video tape. The video tape was developed after reviewing others from state DOT?s, including, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, and Texas, which were gathered from a national solicitation. Also, two similar tapes produced for FHWA were reviewed. These tapes were viewed with ADOT staff and the TAC during the first meeting, in order to make sure there was agreement on the specifics of the video tape mechanism. The purpose of the tape is to eliminate the need for the same canned presentation by ADOT staff and/or consultants at every meeting, and to provide a high quality visual element to the information presented. The tape is ideally suited to be placed on a loop for continuous play at informal multi-station-style workshops, or to be played at the beginning of a more formal meeting. It will also be useful in a training environment, and in the education of ADOT staff and consultants.
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