Pipeline Safety Fund: Minimum Balance Was Not Reasonably Estimated
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Abstract:The Office of Pipeline Safety (OPS), a component of the Research and Special Programs Administration (RSPA) of the Department of Transportation (DOT), performs a variety of activities related to the safety of natural gas (NG) and hazardous liquid (HL) pipelines and liquified natural gas (LNG) storage facilities. OPS activities are funded primarily by user fees assessed to pipeline and LNG storage facility operators and these fees are deposited into the Pipeline Safety Fund (PSF). The Senate Committee on Appropriations expressed an interest in determining the minimum year-end balance necessary in the PSF to maintain OPS operations until user fees are collected for the following year. At September 30, 2000, the balance in the PSF was $16.8 million. Senate Report 106-309 directed that (1) RSPA perform a detailed analysis of the PSF in order to estimate the minimum year end balance that could be maintained without triggering the Antideficiency Act and (2) we review RSPA's analysis. Specifically, as directed by Senate Report 106-309, we reviewed RSPA's analysis to determine if it was accurately prepared based on RSPA/OPS financial records and Treasury reports and whether improvements could be made to the billing and collection cycles that would support a more efficient use of these user fees.
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