System requirement specification for the I-15 integrated corridor management system (ICMS) in San Diego, California.
Alternative Title:San Diego I-15 integrated corridor management (ICM) system, March 2008;Final I-15 ICM system requirements;
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Abstract:This document presents a System Requirement Specification for an Integrated Corridor Management System (ICMS) in the I-15 Corridor in San Diego, California. The ICMS will consist of two major subsystems: the existing Intermodal Transportation Management Subsystem and a new, as-yet-undeveloped subsystem to be known as the Decision Support Subsystem. In addition, the ICMS will include organic functions such as Collect and Process Data, Access/Store Historical Data, System Management, and Lifecycle Support. Several existing and planned regional systems will be connected with the ICMS – some of these will be upgrades to Intermodal Transportation Management System (IMTMS), some will be new systems. Section 2 provides an overview description of the I-15 ICMS , which includes the ICMS Context, ICMS Description, ICMS User Characteristics, System Constraints and Assumptions, and Dependencies. Section 3 includes a requirements framework, definitions of the I-15 ICMS components and key terms, action verb description, user needs developed in the I-15 Concept of Operations, an overview “mind map” of the ICMS requirements, and an indexed listing of the system requirements organized according to the ICMS's 17 functional areas. Appendix A provides Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations. Appendix B provides Requirements Management Metadata (for future requirements management activity). Appendix C includes U.S. Department of Transportation Comments on the Draft System Requirements Specification for the San Diego ICM Pioneer Site with SANDAG Responses.
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