Developing a short range vehicle to infrastructure communication system to enhance the safety at STOP sign intersections : final report.
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TRIS Online Accession Number:1644761
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Abstract:Stop sign controlled unsignalized intersections raise a public safe concern. Even though various strategies, such as engineering, education, and policy, have been applied in practice, there are a number of fatal crashes occurred at unsignalized intersections nationwide. The visibility of a STOP sign is essential for the fatal crashes. Besides, drivers may neglect the STOP signs simply because they are tired, talking over the phone, listening to the music or radio, under negative emotions, etc. In other words, drivers’ awareness of safety at STOP signs intersection is not sufficient. In this thesis, a short-range Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) wireless communication was developed, which is a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) based Drivers Smart Assistance System (DSAS) proposed to address the visibility of traffic control sign, such as the STOP sign, and improve drivers’ awareness of safe driving. The system hardware are all low-cost devices, while the current version of the system software is compiled in the computer program Visual Basic (VB). The RFID tags are placed on roadside, while the receivers and other devices such as GPS are equipped into the vehicles. Twenty subjects were recruited for an on-road driving test with the DSAS in a residential area in Houston. The impacts of the DSAS on drivers’ driving performance were defined and measured based on the observed drivers’ driving behaviors, in terms of speed profile, acceleration, and braking distance for a STOP sign. Moreover, the impacts of the DSAS on vehicle emissions were explored as well. The statistical results from the tests show that the warning message from the DSAS can enhance drivers’ visibility of the STOP sign, so that they are able to decelerate earlier to approach the upcoming unsignalized intersection with a stable speed. Further, the DSAS messages do not raise extra vehicle emissions. Instead, a slight reduction in emission rates was found on the through movement. For even general observation, more road test with more participants and different test routes were recommended.
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