Smart truck driver assistant : a cost effective solution for real time management of container delivery to trucks.
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Edition:Final report
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Abstract:The twin ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach are two of the busiest ports in the country. The marine terminals at these ports are under tremendous pressure to enhance their performance levels. One major issue in the terminals' productivity and performance is the uncertainty of upcoming truck arrivals. The longer a truck waits the more it reduces companies' shipping capacity and contributes to air pollution. In this work, the authors developed a mobile application through which truck movements near the ports can be tracked. This can provide terminals with a complete overview of upcoming traffic and enables them to sort the containers more efficiently. The authors use drivers' sensor-rich smartphones to this end, thus eliminating the additional cost of extra equipment. The phone application provides the drivers with all information necessary to their operation and helps the terminals to foresee the upcoming traffic. Upon collecting the data, the authors' system analyzes it and provides the stakeholders access to real time information about trucks at the ports.
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