The effect that state and federal housing policies have on vehicle miles of travel.
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Abstract:This report examines the ability of existing and proposed affordable housing policies to align
with sustainable transportation goals in California. First, we compare the ability of Low Income
Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) and Redevelopment funded projects to locate in neighborhoods
with transit access to employment versus market rate production in the same period. We find
tax credit funded units outperform market rate production with respect to job accessibility via
transit, and we attribute this to the scoring criteria of California’s tax credit allocating body, the
Tax Credit Allocation Committee (TCAC). However, we find this may have come at the cost of
concentrating new affordable housing in areas with higher poverty rates. At the federal level,
we measure how a change in the determination of maximum payouts for Section 8 housing
vouchers, known as Fair Market Rents (FMRs), alters the ability of voucher holders to access
transit and jobs rich neighborhoods. The results show that changing to “Small Area” FMRs,
which are determined at the ZIP code scale, dramatically improves voucher holders’ access to
jobs rich neighborhoods, but at the cost of nearly eliminating voucher accessibility in
neighborhoods that are currently accessible. And finally, at the state level, an analysis is
conducted to determine if California’s emphasis on promoting affordable housing in transit and
jobs rich neighborhoods is increasing the cost of affordable housing development. The
modeling results indicate that affordable housing near transit stops is not significantly more
expensive, but that costs increase slightly for projects in jobs rich neighborhoods. Participation
in the state’s Transit Oriented Development (TOD) housing program does not significantly
impact costs. The results of this research are intended to inform policy makers at every level of
government on how best to continue to integrate transportation and housing policies without
sacrificing the primary purpose of our affordable housing policies: to house people.
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