Evaluation of Portland cement concrete with internal curing capabilities : tech summary.
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Abstract:Proper curing is the key to durable and sustainable concrete structures. When a concrete mixture is
designed, delivered, poured, and consolidated, curing is the last and the most critical part for a quality final
product. Insufficient curing of concrete will cause cracking in the concrete and in turn leads to a non-durable
and non-sustainable concrete structure. Current Louisiana specification requires all concrete decks to be
water cured for 10 days. Based on the field experience, this is a very expensive operation and the most
difficult one to enforce and monitor. Therefore, there is a great need to develop a new concrete mix that has
a self-curing capability, which will reduce the time demand for water curing, minimize or eliminate cracks in
the concrete deck, and help achieve durability and sustainability in concrete structures.
This project was undertaken to quantify and document the beneficial use of internal
curing via saturated lightweight aggregate fines.
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