Full-scale tank car rollover tests - survivability of top fittings and top fittings protective structures : final report.
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Edition:Final report
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Abstract:Full-scale rollover crash tests were performed on three non-pressure tank carbodies to validate previous analytical work and
determine the effectiveness of two different types of protective structures in protecting the top fittings. The tests were performed
with three different tank cars: 1) an unprotected base case car, 2) a base case car with an added protective skid weldment, and 3) a
base car with an added protective bolt-on sleeve on the unloading nozzle with a reinforcing cone. Test conditions such as the
impacting speed and angle were controlled by pivoting the carbodies in a fixture about a fixed axis and the fittings (or protective
structures) impacted a concrete target pad. Before each test, proper test conditions and parameters were determined by Dynamic
Finite Element analysis.
These tests establish that the skid and bolt-on sleeve concepts are efficient and practical methods for protecting top fittings on
non-pressure cars from failure (and lading release) during rollover derailments. The demonstrated concepts can be developed into
application-specific designs by tank car builders and implemented on tank cars as appropriate.
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