I-95 Corridor Coalition Project #3 (95-003): Surveillance Requirements/Technology
By Edwards and Kelcey, Inc. ...
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Edition:Final project report
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Abstract:The purpose of this Surveillance Requirements/Technology (SR/T) Project is to develop an implementation plan for a Corridor-wide traffic and environmental surveillance system using state-of-the-art and cost-effective technologies. To fulfill this purpose, the objectives of the Project are: a. Identify the primary goals of the Corridor-wide Surveillance System; b. Understand the level and type of surveillance currently available in the Corridor; c. Understand current state-of-the-art surveillance technologies; d. Develop the Corridor-wide surveillance system requirements and conceptual design; e. Estimate the system’s cost based on the conceptual system design; f. Identify potential Field Operational Tests (FOT) for Phase II. This report summarizes the SR/T Project conducted for the l-95 Corridor Coalition over an 8-month period from September 1994 through May 1995.
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