Diagrammatic Guide Signs for Use on Controlled Access Highways. Vol III. Traffic Engineering Evaluation of Diagrammatic Guide Signs: Appendixes A, B, and C to Part 2
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Abstract:Research findings obtained under the project indicate that drivers require more time to read and interpret information on diagrammatic signs in comparison with conventional signs. Moreover, as the graphic component on the sign becomes more complex, driver information interpretation time increases. Accordingly, in those cases where diagrammatic signs have been recommended, the standards specify that simple graphic designs must be used. Research results clearly indicate that diagrammatic guide signs will produce a benefit to motorist performance at interchanges where traffic must exit to the left of the through route. Such interchanges include major forks where exiting traffic must take the left fork. Also included are interchanges where there is a single left exit from the roadway and where there is a left exit in combination with a right exit.
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