Developing a method for estimating AADT on all Louisiana roads : [tech summary].
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Abstract:Annual Average Daily Traffi c (AADT), the average daily volume of vehicle traffi c on a highway or road, is an
important measure in transportation engineering. AADT is used in highway geometric design, pavement
design, traffi c forecasting, and highway safety (Highway Safety Manual). AADT is collected either
automatically through permanent or portable count stations or manually at a fi xed point of a roadway.
Louisiana DOTD collects traffi c counts regularly on state-maintained highways. Major cities associated with
their respective MPOs, generally collect traffi c count data for the locally maintained roads within a particular
MPO study area. Most parishes and small urban areas do not collect traffi c counts frequently, and the DOTD
does periodically conduct traffi c counts on some selected non-state roads.
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