Design and maintenance of subsurface gravel wetlands.
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Abstract:This report summarizes the University of New Hampshire Stormwater Center (UNHSC) evaluation of
a review of Subsurface Gravel Wetlands design and specifications used by the New Hampshire
Department of Transportation (NHDOT or Department).
Subsurface Gravel Wetlands (SGW) are a stormwater management system that provides nutrient
reduction by allowing runoff to flow through a buried horizontal layer of gravel which allows anaerobic
microbial treatment of surface runoff. UNHSC evaluated the Department’s SGW design parameters for
the application of SGWs on linear projects (i.e., roadways) including: underdrain systems for seasonally-high groundwater (SHGW); forebays; multiple inlets; low-flow conveyance and orifices; and leaching
chambers (hydraulic inlets). Results of the cost assessment indicates potential construction savings
greater than $5,000 per contributing impervious acre.
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