Assessment of sand quality on concrete performance : examination of acidic and sulfate/sulfide-bearing sands.
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Abstract:The purpose of this research is to examine how the presence of sulfide- and sulfate-containing
minerals in acidic aggregates may affect the properties of mortar and concrete. Analyses were
performed to compare two sands from a deposit in the Georgia coastal area with a GDOT-approved natural sand. Results show that sulfide- and sulfate-bearing acidic sands present an
important variability and could delay the hydration reactions of cement at early-age, could result
in variability in the mechanical properties of concrete, and could accelerate the onset of delayed
ettringite -induced expansion when subjected to a high temperature curing cycle. Also, these
acidic sands may reduce the corrosion resistance of reinforced concrete. Based on these results, it
is recommended that the use of this type of sand be avoided in prestressed concrete, precast
operations, mass concrete, and other applications where an initial high temperature could be
reached. It is also recommended that such sands be avoided in concrete structures exposed to
marine environments. In other applications, if the sand source must be used, preliminary
recommendations include the use of a sulfate-resistant Type V cement and use of appropriate
supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs), although further evaluation of such material
combinations is advised to ensure adequate performance.
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