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Abstract:The Maine Department of Transportation (MaineDOT) is responsible for maintaining approximately 8300
miles of public highways. Maintenance of these highways consists of rehabilitation or reconstruction
when the road has deteriorated to an unacceptable level. With economic fluctuations and ever increasing
traffic levels, this policy does not effectively address the needs of the highway system when maintenance
is necessary and creates a backlog of deficient highways.
To reduce this trend, many states have adopted the policy of Pavement Preservation. This policy consists
of applying preventative maintenance to the roadway before it has deteriorated to an undesirable level,
which maintains structural integrity and extends service life of the pavement. Length of time between
costly rehabilitation is increased, reducing the cost of maintaining the highway system. Several states
have reported that they were able to improve the overall condition of their highway system after
implementing this approach and that every dollar spent using preventative maintenance could save up to
six dollars in future spending.
Maine has two types of roads: “A” roads, which are built to state standards and “B” roads, which are not.
Pavement Preventive Maintenance (PPM) can be used effectively on “A” roads to extend service life.
Examples of PPM treatments include Crack Sealing, Hot Maintenance Mulch, Thin Overlays, and Micro-Surfacing. Crack Sealing prevents water and debris from entering cracks in the pavement by sealing them
with a rubberized material. Hot Maintenance Mulch is a hot mix asphalt pavement with little or no
crushed aggregate and is typically used on “B” roads. Thin Overlays are dense - open graded Superpave
mixes, with or without recycled asphalt pavement incorporated into the mix, that are typically used on
“A” roads. Micro-Surfacing is a thin layer of a mixture of polymer-modified asphalt emulsion, mineral
aggregate, mineral filler, and water.
This report will examine the application of Micro-Surfacing to extend the service life of two projects in
Aroostook County.
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