Reliability-Based Optimization Design of Geosynthetic Reinforced Road Embankment
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Abstract:Road embankments are typically large earth structures, the construction of which requires for large amounts of competent fill soil. In order to limit costs, the utilization of geosynthetics in road embankments allows for construction of steep slopes up to 80° - 85° from horizontal, which can save considerable amounts of fill soil in the embankment and usable land at the toe, compared to a traditional unreinforced slope. It then requires for a stability analysis of the geosynthetic-reinforced slope, which is highly dependent on the selection and properties of geosynthetic including tensile strength, transfer efficiency, length and the number of geosynthetic layers placed in embankment, etc. To minimize costs, an optimization design is necessary to select an ideal combination of those design parameters. In this study, reliability-based optimization (RBO) will be implemented on the basis of reliability-based probabilistic slope stability analysis considering the variability of soil properties. RBO intends to minimize the cost involved in geosynthetic reinforced road embankment design while satisfying technical requirements. The limit equilibrium method was embedded to compute the factor of safety (fs), meanwhile, the most-probable-point (MPP-) based first-order reliability method (FORM) was conducted to determine the probability of failure (pf). The cost is assumed as a function of design parameters: the number of geosynthetic layers, embedment length, and tensile strength of the geosynthetic. Coupling with the reliability assessment and some other technical constraints, the combination of design parameters can be optimized to minimize cost.
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