Three projects using 4.75 mm. superpave HMA on Route1A, Route 2A, & Route 27.
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Abstract:In July & August, 2010, MaineDOT applied 4.75 mm. (5/8 inch) Superpave designed hot mix asphalt
overlays in three locations. These overlay projects were on Route 1A, 2A, and 27, located in Forkstown,
New Portland, and Limestone, respectively. Project ID numbers are 016814.00, 017314.00, and 016809.00.
The specific lengths designated for the treatments are:
-Forkstown Twp. to TA R2 WELS, Route 2A, 5.5 miles
-New Portland to Kingfield, Route 27, 5.51 miles
-Limestone to Caswell, Route 1A, 3.79 miles
These projects were completed under the MaineDOT Regional Highway program as highway preservation
projects. These three projects were unique in that the mix design specified 4.75 mm (5/8 inch) aggregate
rather that 9.75 mm aggregate which is more commonly utilized. This small difference could lead to cost
savings, if the change results in equivalent performance. The intent of these trial applications are to
determine how the mix performs under Maine conditions.
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