Trip-generation rates for urban infill land uses in California.
By Kimley-Horn and Associates ...
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OCLC Number:431572177
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Abstract:This report presents the results of the second phase of a two phase research project undertaken by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) to study travel characteristics of infill development in California’s metropolitan areas. This research was guided by goals to establish a database of empirical trip generation studies for various types of infill development, to standardize a data collection and analysis methodology, and to coordinate this research with the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) with an objective to integrate the findings into a future ITE publication. The specific objectives of the second phase of this research were to: ?? Develop trip generation rates for common infill land use categories in urban areas of California, ?? Use methodology established in Phase 1 and continue to build a California urban infill land use trip generation database, and ?? Supplement ITE trip generation data.
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