Airport manager's guide for the maintenance of asphalt pavements of general aviation airports.
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Abstract:Hot asphalt pavement (HAP) is used as a surface material on many General Aviation
(GA) airports in California. Currently there are 251 public use airports in California. An
understanding of the proper design, construction and maintenance of the hot mix asphalt
is critical to achieve optimum long-term performance.
This guide provides the basics of pavement design, construction and maintenance. It is
written for General Aviation Airport Managers with limited experience in asphalt
pavements. Key topics include: 1) pavement distress; 2) maintenance strategies; 3)
asphalt pavement construction; 4) pavement design and 5) asphalt mix design.
This guide is not intended to be a comprehensive report describing all aspects of asphalt
pavements but it is intended to provide a brief summary of the key topics necessary to
understand asphalt pavements with references to other sources for more in-depth
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