Slab replacement maturity guidelines.
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Slab replacement maturity guidelines.

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  • Abstract:
    This study investigated the use of maturity method to determine early age strength of concrete in slab

    replacement application. Specific objectives were (1) to evaluate effects of various factors on the compressive

    maturity-strength relationship of concrete at early age, (2) to develop appropriate test procedures for applying

    maturity method to predict early age strength of concrete, and (3) to validate the accuracy of the prediction of

    maturity method using the proposed test procedures.

    The maturity method using the Arrhenius maturity function was found to be quite reliable and convenient for use

    in predicting the early-age compressive strength of concrete in replacement slab application. Some limitations of

    maturity-strength prediction, such as the strength loss due to high curing temperature and insufficient moisture,

    supply were observed in the laboratory studies. However, these limitations were observed at the later age of the

    concrete when the compressive strength reached around 3,000 to 3,500 psi, and thus the observed limitations did not

    have any negative effect on the early-age-strength prediction of the concrete in the replacement slab.

    Using the strength of the protection specimens as strength determination of the in-place concrete is unreliable and

    may result in over-prediction of its strength. The maturity method using the Arrhenius maturity function is

    recommended for use to estimate the early-age compressive strength of concrete in slab replacement application. A

    testing protocol for the generation of maturity-strength curve for prediction of early-age compressive strength of

    concrete was recommended. The concrete used in the replacement lab must have exactly the same water-cement

    ratio, mix ingredients, and fresh concrete properties as those of the laboratory concrete used to develop the maturity

    curve. In the event that differences in fresh concrete properties, with more than ±1 inch in slump and/or ±1 % in air

    contents, are observed between the actual concrete used at the project site and the concrete which has been used to

    develop the maturity-strength curve, the maturity-strength curve should not be used to make strength predictions

    without proper adjustments of the predicted strengths due to effects of the variations in the fresh concrete properties.

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