Evaluation of rear-end bus collisions and identification of possible solutions : [summary].
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Evaluation of rear-end bus collisions and identification of possible solutions : [summary].

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  • Abstract:
    As transit ridership continues to grow, the

    increasing deployment of buses certainly provides

    more opportunities for car-bus collisions. Pull out bays, more bus stops, and dedicated lanes

    mean that drivers must be more aware of buses

    and accommodate their maneuvers in and out of

    traffic. In this project, University of South Florida

    researchers sought answers to a series of questions

    about car-bus rear end collisions: Are these

    collisions increasing? What is their prevalence?

    What conditions promote these collisions? What

    strategies can reduce the number and severity of

    collisions? How do Yield-to-Bus laws and pull-out

    bays affect these collisions?

    Examining the literature and reports related

    to the incidence of car-bus rear end collisions

    revealed limited research. The researchers found

    studies documenting times and types of locations

    of bus collisions, but no substantive work on

    causes or prevalence of bus collisions. So, trends

    or prevention/mitigation strategies were not

    clear. However, data were available from the

    Federal Transit Administration (FTA), which since

    2008, has counted rear end collisions as a category

    in transit authority reporting. FTA data for 2008-2012 were compiled for total, bus-rear-ending-car,

    and car-rear-ending-bus collisions for the U.S. and

    territories, the ten FTA regions, Florida, 18 Florida

    transit agencies, and the six most populous states

    in 2012 (CA, FL, IL, NY, PA, TX).

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