Decision Support System for Road Closures in Flash Flood Emergencies
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TRIS Online Accession Number:01516467
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Abstract:Among all the natural hazards, flash flood ranks as the number 1 weather-related killer in United States. More than half of the deaths in flash flood are due to drowning victims in a traffic environment. So road closure is critical to save lives from flash floods. Unfortunately, the current static roadside Turn Around Don’t Drown (TADD) signs simply could not draw enough attention from travelers. In this project, the authors develop a novel decision support system (DSS) to predict the roads in threats, remotely turn on TADD Red flash lights to close the roads to dangerous sections in flash flood emergencies. The DSS will help Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) and Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management (OEM) to make prompt and effective decisions to mitigate the risk of flash flood.
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