Project UCARE : Uniform Commuter Assistance Reporting and Evaluation for transportation demand management programs, [summary].
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Abstract:The federal transportation reauthorization called
Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act
(MAP-21) creates a program that addresses many
challenges facing the U.S. transportation system.
These challenges include improving safety,
maintaining infrastructure condition, improving
effi ciency of the system and freight movement,
protecting the environment, reducing project
delivery delays, and reducing traffi c congestion.
Regarding the reduction of traffi c congestion, the
law charges USDOT to establish metrics by which
to evaluate performance toward achieving
transportation demand management (TDM) goals.
However, the TDM industry lacks performance
measures and standard data collection procedures
to assess the effectiveness of service delivery.
The industry also lacks a consistent method for
calculating a wide range of societal benefi ts
resulting from managing transportation demand.
Consequently, without consistent methods to
measure performance and to calculate benefi ts, it
is not possible for the TDM community to
demonstrate progress in reducing congestion so as
to be considered for local, state or federal
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