Encouraging Alternative Transportation Behavior Among Baby Boomers via Simulations
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TRIS Online Accession Number:01501357
Edition:Final Report
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Abstract:Due to disruptions prompted by changing demographic patterns, aging infrastructure, and a growing ‘green’ culture New England states have been at the forefront of searching for options to encourage sustainable transportation alternatives. However, this quest has not translated in substantive behavior change. Mitigation of the environmental impact of automobile traffic can be facilitated through a number of technological, economic, and regulatory factors. But in order to achieve widespread adoption of alternatives, changes in individual knowledge, attitude, and behavior are essential. This proposal addresses the NEUTC theme: The strategic management of disruptive change in transportation systems. It is designed to apply the Transtheoretical Model of Change (TTM) to baby boomer populations to improve transportation choices and help the environment. Given the tremendous success of TTM in other areas of behavior change this team is in a unique position to develop an innovative project, which can serve as a model for sustainable transportation for campuses and communities nationwide.
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