Superhydrophobic engineered cementitious composites for highway bridge applications : technology transfer and implementation.
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Abstract:The strength and durability of highway bridges are two of the key components in maintaining a
high level of freight transportation capacity on the nationÂ’s highways. Superhydrophobic
engineered cementitious composite (SECC) is a new advanced concrete material with
polyvinyl alcohol fibers and hydrophobic compounds. The improved mechanical performance
and improved durability of the material was demonstrated in CFIRE projects 04-09 and 05-10.
SECC is an effective substitute to conventional concrete than can improve the strength and
durability demanded in key regions of highway bridges. This report discusses the technology
transfer of the material through the use of technical publications, conference presentations,
and creation of a web-based platform dedicated to the material. The implementation of the
material as a link slab on a ramp leading to a parking structure is also discussed.
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