Value of travel-time reliability, part II : a study of tradeoffs between travel reliability, congestion-mitigation strategies and emissions.
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Abstract:Capacity, demand, and vehicle based emissions reduction strategies are compared for several pollutants employing aggregate US
congestion and vehicle fleet condition data. We find that congestion mitigation does not inevitably lead to reduced emissions; the net effect
of mitigation depends on the balance of induced travel demand and increased vehicle efficiency that in turn depend on the pollutant,
congestion level, and fleet composition. In the long run, capacity-based congestion improvements within certain speed intervals can
reasonably be expected to increase emissions of CO2e, CO, and NOx through increased vehicle travel volume. Better opportunities for
emissions reductions exist for HC and PM2.5 emissions, and on more heavily congested arterials. Advanced-efficiency vehicles with
emissions rates that are less sensitive to congestion than conventional vehicles generate less emissions co-benefits from congestion
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