Fix it first : utilizing the seismic property analyzer and MMLS to develop guidelines for the use of polymer modified thin lift HMA vs. surface treatments.
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Edition:Final report.
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Abstract:The main objective of this study was to develop thin lift overlay mixtures with polymer modified asphalt for use in New England. As part of this
research a comprehensive literature review and internet survey was conducted. Moreover, laboratory testing was conducted to develop thin lift Polymer
Modified Asphalt (PMA) mixtures in an effort to evaluate their use for New England.
It was attempted to use the Model Mobile Load Simulator (MMLS) to investigate the feasibility of using a non-destructive testing (Potable Seismic
Property Analyzer) to evaluate the thin lift mixtures. However, after several attempts to compact the asphalt mixtures in the device, achieving target
density was not attainable. Accordingly this thin lift mixture testing was replaced by dynamic modulus testing in the Asphalt Mixture Performance
Tester and low temperature cracking using the Indirect Tensile Test (IDT).
The survey conducted showed the method of selection for either a surface treatment or lift HMA overlay were decision trees, functional classification of
the roadway, existing pavement condition, experience and treatment cost. Moreover, the majority of respondents did not have a methodology to select
the appropriate time to apply a strategy. Based on the survey, transportation agencies utilized PMA to reduced cracking, reduce rutting, reduce thermal
cracking, and extended pavement life. No disadvantages of using polymer modified asphalt were noted.
Thin lift mixtures were developed with five modified binders and one conventional binder for comparison purposes. The laboratory data indicated that
the low temperature performance grade of the binders were warmer than the low temperature cracking of the mixtures predicted using IDT
measurements. This indicates that the use of the PMA did not increase the low temperature susceptibility of the mixtures tested. Therefore, PMA could
be utilized for thin lift mixtures placed in the New England region.
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