North/West passage corridor-wide commercial vehicle permitting - phase 2.
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Abstract:The efficient movement of freight is a key to the economic success of any state, region or nation. Rising transport
costs will tend to make products from the region more expensive and less competitive in the national and global
markets. This trend can be addressed by adding capacity, a very expensive and long-term solution; improving the
management of the highway and rail systems; and by easing the regulatory burden on carriers.
Some states have organized themselves into compacts or coalitions to issue permits for these routine loads on a
regional basis. While permitting is one of the issues often raised by truckers as a costly and frustrating process, a
number of concerns over exactly how individual state rules can be harmonized to facilitate regional permitting must
be resolved before multi-state agreements can be put into place. To better understand the nature of regional
permitting processes, existing compact or agreements must be reviewed and their rules, processes and
administrative procedures documented. In addition, members of those compacts must be interviewed to measure
their perceptions of the costs and benefits entailed in regional agreement.
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