Applying Safety Treatments to Rail-Highway At-grade Crossings
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Edition:Final report; 7/21/2009-2/29/2012.
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Abstract:The best solution to rail crossing crashes is to remove the need for the driver to engage in a potentially faulty decision-making process by
making it impossible, or at least very difficult, for the driver to bypass lowered gates. Two methods, median separators and long-arm gates,
have been deployed in many locations and shown to prevent deaths and injuries while remaining economically feasible. Any comprehensive
safety program must begin by first identifying crossings where the risk of collision is unacceptably high, and where safety countermeasures are
most warranted. Since this process is highly dependent on the accuracy of our state’s inventory database, bringing it up to date and putting it
into a readily accessible format should be the top priority for all involved in California rail.
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