Positive Community Norm Survey 2011: Methodology and Results
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Edition:Final or interim report; 11/11/2011-09/30/2012.
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Abstract:This survey established a baseline understanding of the positive norms that exist in Idaho, plus reveal the gaps in knowledge and perceived norms with regard to impaired driving. These gaps will indicate the most effective opportunities for future communication efforts (i.e. Media Messages) to change driver behavior. The project objectives included:
1. Measuring self-reported attitudes, behaviors and perceptions of norms of adult drivers in Idaho regarding alcohol and driving.
2. Obtaining information that can help establish a baseline understanding of the positive norms that exist in Idaho as well as reveal the gaps in knowledge and perceived norms. These gaps indicate the most effective opportunities for future communication efforts to change driver behavior and reduce fatalities.
3. Providing information that researchers can use to identify important messages that can be shared
with key leaders at the community, county and state levels to support efforts to reduce impaired driving. These leaders include local law enforcement officials, county leaders, and state policy makers.
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