Use of performance measurement to include air quality and energy into mileage-based user fees.
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Edition:Final report; Jan. 2010-Jan. 2012.
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Abstract:Road pricing is an increasingly popular tool for achieving a number of transportation policy related goals and objectives. Addressing environmental concerns is a common goal of road pricing systems in Europe but is less common in the U.S., and frameworks supporting their deployment are less developed. The development of more technologically advanced pricing systems, such as mileage-based user fees (MBUFs) provides platforms for more detailed charging and the achievement of more specific air quality related goals and objectives. This research project is aimed at establishing a framework for levying MBUFs designed to achieve various air quality improvement policy objectives. This research presents the first step toward a pricing framework based on the concept of performance measurement that systematically defines and incorporates potential air quality goals. The process of developing the proposed framework included defining the interactive role of user fees and pricing in roadway transportation operations and identifying air quality performance measures for determining the appropriate vehicle mileage fee price. This framework will be invaluable in more effectively monitoring the air quality and greenhouse gas reduction and mitigation performance of vehicle mileage fee systems.
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