Bluetooth traffic detectors for use as permanently installed travel time instruments : [summary].
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Abstract:In support of the Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA) business objectives
related to mobility and congestion relief, in 2009 the University of Maryland’s (UMD)
Center for Advanced Transportation Technology (CATT) proposed to develop the use of
Bluetooth TM traffic monitoring (BTM) technology as permanently installed sensors on
the Maryland highway network. These sensors would be used to directly measure travel
time at a high level of accuracy continuously – 24 hours per day, 7 days a week, 365
days per year (24/7/365). The initial development of BTM technology at UMD from
2007-2009 targeted portable, easily deployable sensors. In 2008 a prototype system of
25 sensors was produced and remains in use with the SHA Highway Information
Services Division (HISD) to this day. This project extends the availability of high
resolution BTM data for real-time operations applications.
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