Bluetooth traffic detectors for use as permanently installed travel time instruments.
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Edition:Final report.
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Abstract:In February 2009, the University of Maryland’s (UMD) Center for Advanced Transportation Technology
(CATT) via a research grant from the Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA) set out to extend
Bluetooth TM traffic monitoring (BTM) technology for use as permanent sensors, delivering travel time 24
hours per day, 7 days a weeks, 365 days a year on Maryland freeways. As of October 2011, UMD CATT
through partnership with Traffax Inc., a private commercial business manufacturing and selling Bluetoothbased
sensors based off technology developed at UMD, has designed, deployed and tested six prototype
units on a corridor along I-95 and I-495 between Baltimore and Washington, DC. Installation of the six
prototype sensors began in early 2011. The successful demonstration of the real-time, permanently
installed BTM sensors was the ultimate goal of this project, and with the sensors and the corresponding
central processing having operated for the majority of 2011, that objective has been met. This report
documents the hardware, software and deployment of the prototype units.
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