Develop and disseminate outreach materials for MAFC states.
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Abstract:"The general public across the region and the policy makers of the region are generally ill informed on subjects related to freight, its importance to
our economy, and the fragility of our freight transportation system. The project will develop stories that will resonate with policymakers at the
federal and state levels. These stories might include successes where improved transportation has had a positive impact on an industry’s
competitive position and the region’s economic development. Ideally, a number of stories would be developed that might strike a chord with
policymakers from across the region. This project will develop creditable, illustrative, understandable materials that would assist the general
public across the region and policy makers of the region better understand freight and communicate the importance of freight investments in the
region’s economic competitiveness and well-being. These materials are published on the Mid-America Freight Coalition (MAFC) website:"
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