Development of a LiDAR derived digital elevation model (DEM) as Input to a METRANS geographic information system (GIS).
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Abstract:This report describes an assessment of digital elevation models (DEMs) derived from
LiDAR data for a subset of the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. A methodology
based on Monte Carlo simulation was applied to investigate the accuracy of DEMs
derived from the LiDAR data using different interpolation methods (inverse distance
weighted, spline and Kriging) at different grid cell resolutions (0.25m2, and 0.50m2, 1m2
and 2m2). Results indicate that elevation accuracy and the accuracy of a building
feature derived from the interpolated elevations are not correlated. Inverse Distance
Weighed at 0.25m2 resolution produced the most accurate surfaces and ranked second
in its ability to capture the shape of the building. However, this interpolation method and
grid cell resolution pair took the longest time to compute (over three weeks for the
accuracy simulation). The methodology provides Port personnel and LiDAR users with
an approach to determine an appropriate grid cell resolution and interpolation method
for generating DEMs and extracting building features from LiDAR data. Results indicate
that compromises between surface accuracy, shape representation and the time
required to process the data are required.
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