Alternative Title:Louisiana CVO/ITS business plan.
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Abstract:Louisiana seeks to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of CVO business and operational functions in the state. This overall mission includes three discrete elements designed to address priority needs as identified by state and industry stakeholders. These elements, in order of priority, include: 1) increasing administrative productivity of both the private and public sectors; 2) maximizing CV operational safety and productivity through improved compliance and targeted enforcement; and 3) improving freight flows by increasing CVO operational productivity. ITS are viewed as one of several key tool sets available to the state to help implement its overall vision of improved efficiency/effectiveness. The initiatives outlined in Louisiana’s CVO/ITS Strategic Business Plan require an investment of almost $16 million over the next four to five years. Almost ten percent of the required investment is programmed within existing budgets; 90 percent remains to be funded, meaning that the state must identify funding sources for $14 million additional dollars over the next five to six years. In addition, these initiatives will require investments for system and facilities maintenance and upgrade for many years into the future. Potential funding sources for these activities include Federal ITS/CVO deployment program funding, special legislative appropriations, revenues which may be generated from redirected dedications of existing highway user fees.
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