Prestressed concrete beams intermixed with steel beams for bridge widening : final report.
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Abstract:The objective of this research was t o investigate the behavior, under various conditions, of a typical bridge span in which prestressed concrete beams and steel beams are used in the same span. The bridge investigated was the westbond I-10 Bonnabel Overpass in Metairie, Louisiana, in which steel beams were used in the original construction, and prestressed concrete beams were used for a subsequent widening. The steel girders were installed with intermediate diaphragms at the third points, but the concrete girders do not have intermediate diaphragms at all. It was felt that the use of prestressed concrete girders in combination with steel girders could lead to potential problem areas related to camber growth of the prestressed concrete girders, different coefficients of thermal expansion between concrete and steel, different support techniques for concrete and steel, and effects related to distribution of live load.
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