Access management for Kentucky.
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Abstract:The Access Management Manual published by the Transportation Research Board in 2003 defines access management as the "systematic control of the location, spacing, design, and operation of driveways, median openings, interchanges, and street connections to a roadway". The purpose of access management is to provide vehicular access to land development in a manner that preserves the safety and efficiency of the transportation system. Access management principles stress mobility for higher-class roadways and safety for lower-class roadways.
The essence of an access management system can be summarized in the following steps:
1) Classification of roadways based upon functional criteria and other parameters that reflect the importance of each roadway to statewide, regional and local mobility;
2) Definition of allowable levels of access for each road class, including criteria for the spacing of signalized and unsignalized access points;
3) Application of appropriate geometric design criteria and traffic engineering analysis to the allowable access; and
4) Adoption of appropriate regulations and administrative procedures.
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