Evaluation of the performance of a press-lam timber bridge : interim report no. 1, bridge installation and load test.
Alternative Title:Interim report no. 1, bridge installation and load test
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OCLC Number:3485065
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Abstract:The report describes the installation and load test of the world's first press-lam timber bridge superstructure. A five-man crew replaced the substandard steel stringer-timber deck superstructure on Rte. 610 over Little Stoney Creek in Shenandoah County with the press-lam superstructure in about four work days, and the road was closed for only eight hours. Results of the load tests conducted two weeks after the 17.5 ft.(5.33 m) span, 2-lane bridge was constructed suggest that the stringer live load distribution specified by AASHTO is conservative. The Research Council will inspect and load test the bridge periodically over a five-year period.
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