Alternatives to type II cement : Part I, Preliminary laboratory studies.
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OCLC Number:3122426
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Abstract:In this study concrete mixtures incorporating fly ash are being investigated as possible alternatives to mixtures utilizing Type II cements. The mixture characteristics being considered are strength, resistance to freezing and thawing and sulfates, heat of hydration, and volume stability. Control mixtures are made of Types I, II, and III cements. In the experimental mixtures, Type IP cement---a blend of ordinary cement and fly ash--and Type I cement with fly ash as an admixture were used. This report gives the results of initial tests for compressive and flexural strengths, resistance to rapid freezing and thawing, early volume change, time of set, and heat of hydration. Long-term strength data and information on sulfate and scaling resistance and drying shrinkage will be presented in the final report, with recommendations from the study.
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