Development of a dynamic traffic assignment model to evaluate lane-reversal plans for I-65.
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Edition:Final report; 1/1/06-12/31/09.
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Abstract:This report presents the methodology and results from a project that studied contra-flow operations in support of
hurricane evacuations in the state of Alabama. As part of this effort, a simulation model was developed using the
VISTA platform for I-65 from the Alabama Gulf Coast region to Montgomery, AL and alternate evacuation
routes. The model was used to test the current lane-reversal plan under a variety of evacuation scenarios and assess
the potential impacts of modifications to this plan. Special attention was given to the development of realistic
evacuation demand profiles to account for user preferences and seasonal (tourist) demand. The report discusses
traffic and evacuation data requirements and acquisition, model development and calibration approach,
evacuation scenarios considered and results from the systems analyses and scenarios evaluation. Moreover, it
highlights some of the challenges in the development of large scale mesoscopic model for evacuation analyses.
A summary of recommendations is also included that can be used to improve current practices and assist future
traffic management under evacuation conditions.
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