Texas urban triangle : creating a spatial decision support system for mobility policy and investments that shape the sustainable growth of Texas.
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Texas urban triangle : creating a spatial decision support system for mobility policy and investments that shape the sustainable growth of Texas.

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  • Creators:
  • Corporate Creators:
  • Subject/TRT Terms:
  • Publication/ Report Number:
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  • Geographical Coverage:
  • Edition:
    Final report; 2/1/09¿5/31/10.
  • Corporate Publisher:
  • Abstract:
    This project developed a GIS-based Spatial Decision Support System to help local, metropolitan, and state

    jurisdictions and authorities in Texas understand the implications of transportation planning and

    investment decisions, and plan appropriately for the future. It provides an easily accessible, graphically

    represented, interactive database on infrastructural, demographic, environmental, agricultural, economic,

    hazard, and land use factors that affect transportation corridor location decisions. Specifically, the project

    team created an Internet-based spatial decision support system that will allow users to identify and

    visualize geographically those critical issues related to locating single mode or multi-modal surface

    transportation corridors for freight and passengers. Decision makers will be able to test multiple attributes

    in the decision making model to compare multiple transportation corridor scenarios for optimal mobility

    based on the decision parameters developed in the model. Jurisdictions and transportation authorities will

    use this tool to guide future decisions on transportation and its impacts on urban growth in a sustainable

    manner so that the need for economic development is balanced with environmental protection and human

    health, safety, and welfare. The system also helps address important research questions related to where

    future growth will occur in the Texas Urban Triangle, and at what scale, densities, and uses and to study

    selected impacts of this growth. Finally, the SDSS demonstrates the usefulness of WebGIS in facilitating

    sustainable transportation planning, policy making and investment decisions.

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