Use of GIS technologies to facilitate the transportation project programming process.
Alternative Title:Use of geographic information systems technologies to facilitate the transportation project programming process
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Abstract:Transportation project programming in a transportation agency is a process of matching
potential projects with available funds to accomplish the agency’s mission and goals of a
given period of time. Result of this process is normally a transportation improvement
program (TIP) or a Capital Improvement Program (CIP) that sets up the financial plan as
well as the scope and schedule of transportation improvement projects to be implemented
by a transportation agency.
Many transportation agencies (including Southern California Association of
Governments (SCAG) and the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA))
recently have employed Geographical Information System (GIS) technologies to
facilitate their project programming process. The geographical representation of
transportation projects greatly helps decision-makers prioritize transportation projects
visually. It also helps notify the public of transportation improvement projects in an easyto-
read, graphic format on the Web.
This project has conducted an assessment of cities in the Inland Empire region on their
transportation project programming process and the use of GIS technologies for the
programming process. Based on the assessment, the project has provided
recommendations and methodologies that could be used to incorporate GIS and project
programming tools in the development of transportation improvement programs. Also the
project has developed a GIS-based conceptual framework and a work plan whose purpose
is to implement the programming methodologies for the cities within the Inland Empire
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