Impact of reconstruction strategies on system performance measures : maximizing safety and mobility while minimizing life-cycle costs : final report, December 8, 2008.
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Edition:Final report; 9/1/07-10/31/08.
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Abstract:The objective of this research is to develop a general methodological framework for planning and
evaluating the effectiveness of highway reconstruction strategies on the system’s performance
measures, in particular safety, mobility, and the total cost of network rehabilitation. Transportation
networks are characterized by uncertainty that stems from different sources and transportation planners
should consider risks involved in uncertainty in model parameters. In this research, Conditional Value at
Risk (CVaR) is used to quantify and measure the risk in pavement performance and travel demand. First,
a method of constructing risk‐based rehabilitation policies for a network of pavement facilities that
ensures a specific quality level is introduced. Second, to enhance network mobility, several optimization
models to minimize travel time for all paths connecting the same origin and destination pair is presented.
Finally, to improve network safety during capacity expansion decisions, two models are presented to
reduce accident rate by changing the ratio of flow to the link capacity to reduce injury and fatal accidents
and property damage accidents.
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